If you're interested in understanding personal loans from a legal standpoint, we've provided some basic guidance below. Please note that this information is for general reference, and legal regulations may change. For the latest legal updates, we suggest checking official government websites and trusted sources.

We recommend reviewing this section before submitting a loan request.

Who Qualifies for a Personal Loan?

Under U.S. law, only residents of the United States are eligible for personal loans. Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have a stable source of income. If you meet these requirements—being an adult, a legal U.S. resident, and having reliable financial support—you can use our platform to access the funds you need.

How Do We Manage Users' Data?

Our Privacy Policy outlines how we handle user data.

What Is a Loan Contract?

A loan contract is a formal agreement between you and the lender that specifies the terms of the loan. This agreement is legally binding, and if either party fails to meet the terms, there could be legal consequences.

What Makes a Loan Contract Complete?

Once you e-sign a loan agreement, you are legally bound by its terms. Your e-signature indicates your full acceptance of the agreement, so we encourage you to carefully review all terms before signing.

Are There Any Terms Regarding Website Use?

You can learn about our terms by reviewing our Terms section.

What Information Can We Provide About Rates and Fees?

First, using our website is entirely free. Many of our partners also offer microloans with 0% interest for new clients. Specific rates and fees are detailed in your loan agreement, as we do not have direct access to that information. You can find these details on the lender's website once you select a loan.